Rodent Control
What Should You know
Rodents and Mice are one of the most nuisance pest. Them chewing on things such as cables and wires can be dangerous to a building and to homes as it may cause short circuits that may ultimately result in fires. Not to mentioned damage to property such as telephone lines.
Rodents are probably going to plague places where sustenance, harbourage and water are effectively accessible. Some of such places are sustenance foundations, markets, nourishment focuses, stockrooms, canister focuses and houses that have poor housekeeping.
Simon Jr Rodent Control solution
At Simon Jr, we utilize a 2-advance system to break the rat rearing cycle. We use contact gel, goading, catching and cleaning, contingent upon the degree of pervasion. Breaking their life cycle with right treatment interim and recurrence will annihilate them from your premises.

Risk Assessment
Starter site review to assess the invasion level at your premises before prompting on the treatment procedure. Distinguishing the type of rat is additionally fundamental in our evaluation.

Scheduled Spot-Check
Our Simon Jr Technicians will lead booked spot-keep an eye on any repeat of rodents invasions
Rodent Infestation Cases in Singapore
For F&B entrepreneurs and owners, and inhabitants, Simon Jr is resolved to be your partner with regards to guaranteeing quality control and keeping up the bequest's cleanliness standard. Secure your business reputation by guaranteeing your premises is sans irritation with the assistance of Simon Jr.
Contact Us
Contact Us today to figure out how we can convey our Rodent Control Solution at your premises. Simon Jr Technicians are NEA prepared, and know precisely where to pay special mind to rodents' harborage territories and the pervasion indications.